How Mediation Works
Learn more about our services and what we can do for you.MEDIATION IS:
- Voluntary
- A safe and effective communication process
- Confidential (as far as the law allows)
- Quick
- A process that focuses on the participants needs and interests
- Empowering (you determine and own the solutions)
- Cost effective
- Facilitated by a neutral third party mediator, trained in dispute resolution.
The early intervention of mediation resolves disputes before they get out of hand
(1) Contact us
a. Tell us about the issue that needs to be resolved
b. We will ask a couple of questions about the relationship of the parties
c. We will organise a time for a phone or video consultation
(2) Free Consultation
a. In this consultation we will gather enough information to determine the approach required.
- Family Dispute Resolution
- Organisational
- Community
b. We may assist with referrals to appropriate third parties such as lawyers, financial advisors, counsellors, so that the parties are properly prepared for mediation.
c. If mediation is the right approach we will set up pre-mediation interviews with the parties involved.
(3) The pre-mediation Interview
a. A detailed list of questions prior to the mediation to fully understand the circumstances surrounding the issues and the relationship between the parties.
b. Final determination as to whether mediation is appropriate
- Facilitative
- Collaborative
- Shuttle
- Telephone
- On-line
c. Documentation
- Confidentiality agreement
- Mediation Agreement
- Fact sheet on the mediation process
- Conflict of interest waiver (If required)
- Mediation Rules
a. Introduction by the mediator
b. Each party briefly outlines the issues that brought them to the mediation
c. identification of the issues in dispute – Development of the Agenda
d. Issue exploration
e. Private sessions – exploration of alternatives
f. Option generation and negotiation
g. Agreement and closure